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Our Environment

Target Perfomance 2022/23

UK owned stores powered by 100% renewable electricity

Reduce UK store waste to landfill by 50% by 2025 vs 2016/17 level

Increase the diversion of construction waste from landfill to 100%

Reduce carbon emissions by 20% of 2021 baseline by 2025

100% completed
100% completed - we have achieved 100% diversion from landfill for UK operational waste ahead of schedule
100% completed - we have achieved 100% diversion of UK construction waste from landfill
17% on track –absolute market-based emissions 17% below 2022 despite portfolio growth; intensity 19% below

Climate action and emissions reduction

In this section, we explain how we are reducing our impact on the planet through ongoing improvements in construction standards and our store operations. We also include our Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (“TCFD”) statement, through which we seek to understand and manage the potential risks (and opportunities) to our business associated with a changing environment.

Our net zero commitment

We are pleased to share our commitment to become an operationally net zero group by 2035. This commitment covers Scope 1 and 2 emissions and Scope 3 emissions, which relate to ongoing operations (water, waste, electricity, transmission and distribution, and business travel).

Our net zero transition plan is a combination of consumption reduction initiatives as outlined later in this section such as phasing out gas heating in the UK portfolio and ensuring all energy consumed is self-generated (where viable) or purchased from certified renewable sources.

We also intend to work with our construction partners to understand the baseline of embodied carbon in our new developments and explore ways of reducing this where viable. Our sustainable construction standards aspire to maximise the use of recycled material and minimise waste whilst building to Building Research Establishment Environmental Assessment Methodology (“BREEAM”) ’Very Good’ standards. Based on research by the London Energy Transformation Initiative (“LETI”) redevelopment projects have an embodied carbon footprint of approximately 50% of new build developments. As such, the Group’s flexible model is likely to generate less embodied carbon than operators which develop new build structures exclusively.

2022/23 highlights

Green electricity used across the Group with certification for the UK, France, the Netherlands, and Spain   7 new plug-in hybrid electric cars have been purchased, replacing petrol vehicles in the UK
100% diversion from landfill for UK operational waste   100% first UK store development with all construction waste diverted from landfill
32 UK stores now have gas use removed, reducing overall usage year-on-year by 21%   590 equivalent number of trees saved from being felled by using fully recycled paper