Jane Bentall
Senior Independent Director
Commenced role
May 2022 (appointed as Senior Independent Director and Chair of the Audit Committee in March 2024)
Skills and experience
Jane has extensive experience and understanding of operating multisite, consumer-led businesses. Most recently, Jane was Managing Director of Haven, the UK holiday parks chain and largest business division of Bourne Leisure. Prior to becoming Managing Director of Haven, she was the Group Chief Financial Officer for 12 years and previously spent six years as Operations Director. In her career she has also held senior financial roles at the Rank Group.
External appointments
Jane is a director and Chair of the Remuneration Committee of Oakman Inns plc, a director of Resident Hotels Limited, a consultant for Blackstone, and a member of Pilotlight.
Jane is an ACA qualified accountant and a fellow of the Institute of Chartered Accountants.